Thursday, May 27, 2010

Little boys

So, summer has officially begun. Caiden and Cooper are now both out of school. Today was our first day home with everyone. The day started with my early riser Brenton who was in my bed giving me a "back rub" (kicking me, kneeing or elbowing me) at 5:30. I'm still not sure what is possessing him to wake up so early, but oh well. Then followed Cooper and Caiden at 6:15 who announced "we slept in today, just like we were supposed to!" At which point I grabbed Zeb's arm and begged him not to leave us to go to work. After Caiden got his fix of TV today-I'm embarassed to say how many hours pbs was on, we started in on an art project. Someone gave me the idea to fill large ziplock bags with all kinds of different, random art supplies and pull them out every few days. I made a big production of getting the art supplies out of the closet, even going so far as calling them our "imagination bags". Caiden and Cooper both chose a bag filled with foam stickers, popsicle sticks, beads and pipe cleaners. I brought out crayons, glue, markers etc.... Brenton chose a bag with paper and stickers. I'm thinking this will last for hours. We could glue foam shapes and beads then draw pictures around them, write a story about them, hang them around the house. What's the first thing the boys do? Well besides Brenton whining about how he needs what the big boys have, Caiden and Cooper make a "wand" out of a popsicle stick and heart or star foam shape. "Do you know what this is mom?" Of course I do-it's a magic wand, we can change things into what we want-new food or drink, change our clothes, make ourselves fly on unicorns or something equally as stupid and girly. "no, mom they're SUPER DEFEATER SWORDS-ching, ching (imagine fighting and slashing and running rapidly around the house). So much for art day. We also set up a cute frog shaped tent that I thought could be a "book nook". It turned into a superhero force field that no one was allowed in. I don't understand boys, but they sure are full of energy and cute. I'd like to say I understood girls. While Blakeleigh has an affinity for baby dolls, she sits here playing with Legos and a Lightening McQueen mechanical pencil in her hand.

Cooper's quote of the day (these quotes are going to turn into a book)-Mom, I don't think God stretches us out at night (as he is pulling his hair up and his arms out), I think he just grows us.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Random happenings at our house

Well, I keep waiting to be "inspired" to write or waiting for something extra funny to happen at our house. Funny things happen all the time, but by the time I get the boys to bed and wait for Blakeleigh (the energizer bunny) to fall asleep, I am WAY to tired to write. So rather than posting about a specific event, here are some random happenings at our house.

* All of the kids played a little game Zeb and I like to call "tag-team vomiting" last weekend. It was really fun running from room to room with old Easter buckets in hand to catch puke. All started by little Typhoid Mary (Blakeleigh) and ended with Cooper. Thank God Zeb and I didn't get sick. I think we got Gran and Papa a little sick however-very sorry!! I am so grateful Zeb is not only a fantastic doctor, husband and father but also a great puke catcher, fast runner and good at doing laundry.

Blakeleigh-she now is cruising really fast around the furniture and even stands by herself (until she notices, then falls on her booty). She can blow kisses and her favorite animal is a pig. We have decided that because she knows how to make the pig noise. She needs to grow some more hair because she can and does pull her hair headbands out. She is sleeping better at night and after her brothers go to bed can stay up and entertain us for quite awhile. We love to hear her talk and say "mama, dada, lala". Lots of fun!

Cooper-Just finished his last day of 3/4 year old preschool! They had a teddy bear picnic to which Cooper brought his dragon named "dragon fire". Daddy and Cooper and Caiden had a special night at Build-a-Bear and made dragons-very cute. The teddy bear picnic was fun except for Cooper had a serious attitude problem. He wouldn't smile for pictures with his teachers and just wanted to go home! He is ready for summer! I have to get him started on some activites at the house or he is just going to fight with Brenton or bother Blakeleigh all day!
Favorite quote by Cooper -(while going to the bathroom)"Dad can you press that button that makes it not smell so bad?" "The fan, Cooper?" "Yes" "Dad, it still stinks in here" "Well, Cooper, that's because you are sitting in your poop"

Caiden-Just finished playing coach-pitch baseball. One of his coaches is a fireman, so we got a tour of the firestation. They are still talking about it. His last three days of school are this week! He has had the most amazing kindergarten teachers. I can't believe all he has learned. He is reading, doing math, spelling, writing, can tie his shoes. He can ride a two wheeled bike and is actually remembering and enjoying swimming! Such a big boy. Still likes to snuggle with mom and dad and be read to or hear stories about when he was "little". He will be moving out of our sunday school class this summer into the FIRST GRADE class-I don't know what we will do without him-we have been teaching his class since he was 3.

Brenton-the early riser who is always in our bed at 5 a.m. He just finished BSF, where he loved his teachers. This was his "school" when Caiden and Cooper would talk about their school. A switch turned on around 2 1/2 where Brenton only talks in a whiny voice. We are hoping this will turn off when he turns 3. He will be doing swimming lessons as well this summer. All I can say is good luck Miss Margaret!! His new favorite thing is to yell "applise!" (surprise) at random times.

Last, but not least I would just like to say I feel I have been a good sport about the scorpions. Yes, I scream, panic and sweat (or call my mom for moral support) when I have to smash them. Zeb is thinking "when do YOU have to smash them?". But for the record, scorpions crawling on your leg while you are IN BED is not okay!! I would post a picture, but my hero of a husband smashed it to bits-thank you honey.
Pictures to come soon.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's hard to believe he was this little (except for his eyes). But now we don't want him to grow up so fast. Here are some pictures of our Super Duper Cooper for all to enjoy.

Having fun playing at the two-parks.

Sometimes its hard to stay clean.

First day of preschool.

Celebrating his 4th Birthday with his Mommy!

Warming up for Itty-Bitty sports.

Cooper at Pinewood Derby at church.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Coopie Doop

This is for my second sweet boy. The one who I always feel gets left out. He is not the oldest or first to do anything. He is not the 2 year old who needs help with many things and a lot of instruction. He is also not the baby that mommy probably devotes most of her time to-because that's just what babies require. So this is for you, my sweet, smiley Cooper-who is one of the very bright lights of my life!!
Cooper Zane
Age: 4
Hair: Dirty blond-always needs to be spiked up, never allowed to do it
Eyes: Beautiful light brown, hazel color
Nicknames: Coopie, Coop, Super Duper Cooper, Pooper (this comes from Brenton) Caiden called him Pooker before he was born
Favorite color: Sparkle
Favorite food: he says candy, I say pasta
Favorite ice cream or cake flavor: CHOCOLATE! (so much that he will refuse other kinds of cake)
Wants to be an artist when he grows up
Favorite person: he says mommy, I say Caiden

What to say about Cooper? If you met Cooper at Bible Study, church or preschool you might think I had a very calm, shy, easygoing child. Come on over to my house around 4 pm and you will think Cooper has a twin. His name is crazy Cooper-or should I say "Cooper Zane stop that!".
When he was a toddler, Zeb and I wanted to write a series of books entitled "no, Cooper, no" or "Come back Cooper". He is busy to say the least. He loves to jump from furniture to furniture (which if you are wondering we are NOT allowed to do). He LOVES to play with his brothers and is usually very agreeable to whatever Caiden wants to do (not necessarily Brenton). He is a really good sharer. When he was little, I would give him a cracker for each hand because that's always how Caiden would like his snack. Cooper would immediately go and share one with Caiden because that's just how sweet he is. He loves the babies at our house. He loves them so much, he's going to hurt them! Big hugs, kisses all day and willing to do anything mommy asks related to them. I keep reminding him when he is kicking Brenton that he used to love her as much as he loves Blakeleigh now. Cooper is a really good colorer, and loves to write out his alphabet-mommy and daddy think he is very smart! He also has an amazing mind and is very spiritually mature. He thinks of all kinds of things. Today was "mom, when God and Jesus have a birthday, they don't get any bigger do they?" Cooper loves to have his back rubbed and scratched before he goes to bed and only mommy can do it. No matter what the struggles are during the day (believe me, there are more than I can count!) Cooper always loves me at the end. He is an amazing, warm, friendly, fun, energetic, cute, precious, smart, loving, kind, very special child. We are so glad God blessed us with him. Some of my favorite moments are our special times, just the two of us. I hope he always wants to be my friend. I love you Cooper-to the moon and back!!

1. Why is it okay for my children to make me fake food that consists of pickles, strawberries and onion rings, but they cry when I try to put sauce on their pasta?
2. Why can my kids get 12 hours of sleep but still be grumpy when they wake up?
3. Why do I always know when Cooper has to pee but he never does?

Smart mom moment of the day
I let Cooper watch "the baby story" (on TLC) while I was finishing up cleaning the house before we left somewhere. We have been watching this show for a long time ever since Caiden was little, the boys rarely pay that close of attention to it. Pretty soon, Cooper looks at me and says "hmmm, so that's how babies are born". TV off, time to go!!